Thursday, 30 September 2010



ZingZillas is the new hit pre-school show on BBC It is a music show set on a tropical island where everyone joins in to create ZingZilla music magic. With musical influences spanning the globe from rock to soul, jazz to samba, big band to orchestra, ZingZillas will get its young listeners jumping, swaying and trilling to music from the world over.Zak, Tang, Panzeeand Drum are music sensation ZingZillas. On their island paradise, this band of primate friends live to play fantastic music. With the help of their mentor, music guru DJ Loose, they create their unique ZingZilla sound just in time for their daily performance, The Big Zing.As well as these regular island dwellers, the island is visited in every episode by a different musical guest. The ZingZillas always discover their musical guests in a lush jungle glade which pulsates with music. They take inspiration from the guests and incorporate them and their sounds into The Big Zing.

ZingZillas : The Album is released on the 4th October and priced at £9.99

We were lucky to be sent a copy to review , the kids grabbed it happily and asked for it to be put on . I planned to have them dancing around to it but unfortunately it did not hold there interest for any longer than the first song (actually by the end of track 1 they were all gone) . Repeated listening has not went down any better.

I don't really blame ZingZillas for this , my kids had only seen the show a few times so none of the music was familiar to them . Also the music is not the type they normally listen to as they are more fans of cheesy silly pop songs.
Not all is lost though as Eilidh has been expressing an interest in the TV show and the past 2 days its been on there must see list . The CD may be end up being a favorite yet .

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