Year In Reading

Just my way of keeping track of the books and stories i have read in 2011 . Some may not be published novels but fan fiction stories downloaded onto my Ebook reader . As i only tend to read long stories i count these as novels and will include links if you fancy seeing them yourself. Also include how many pages they are (on my ereader) just because i want to lol . I have started a blog to help with this and have included little reviews and such . It can be found here - A Year In Reading

(Books in bold have been finished , books in italics are being read , the rest are what i will be reading next)

1 - Misery by Stephen King (422)
2 - Dark Tower 2 The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King (694)
3 - Bittersweet by Herself   (2708) (Found here) 
4 - The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King (739)
5 - Tommyknockers by Stephen King (1357)
6 - Blood Coven 1 Boys That Bite by Mari Mancusi (285)
7 - Blood Coven 2 Stake That by Mari Mancusi (287)
8 -  Blood Coven 3 Girls That Growl by Mari Mancusi (252)
9 - Dolan's Cadillac by Stephen King (102)
10 - Blue Bloods 01 Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz (317)
11 - Blue Bloods 02 Masquerade by Melissa De La Cruz (325)
12 -Blue Bloods 03 Revelations by Melissa De La Cruz (328)
13 - The Dark Half by Stephen King (606)
14 - Certain Slant of Light by Laura Whitcomb (273)
15 - Four Past Midnight by Stephen King (1486)
16 - Blood Coven 4 Bad Blood by Mari Mancusi (170)
17 - Blood Coven 5 Night School by Mari Mancusi (207)
18 - The Stand by Stephen King (1700)
19 - Blue Bloods 04 Van Alen Legacy by Melissa De La Cruz (484)
20 - Blue Bloods 05 Keys to the Repository by Melissa De La Cruz (356)
21 - Blue Bloods 06 Misguided Angel by Melissa De La Cruz (203)
22 - Blue Bloods 07 Bloody Valentine by Melissa De La Cruz (106)
23 - Needful Things by Stephen King (976)
24 - Complicated Hexagon by Jessi Rose (569) (Found Here )
25 - Dark Tower 3 The Waste Lands by Stephen King (896)
26 - Cradle by T'eyla Minh (637) (Found Here )
27 - Geralds Game by Stephen King (419)
28 - Crimson Darkness by Fainpathe (635) (Found Here)
29 - Dolores Claiborne by Stephen King (330)
30 - Daddy by Blondebouncingferret (222) (Found Here )
31 - Nightmares & Dreamscapes by Stephen King (1195)
32 - Dark Visions 01 - The Strange Power by L J Smith (216)
33 - Dark Visions 02 - The Possessed by L J Smith (247)